Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping exercise, is a holistic approach to alleviate anxiety and emotional distress. EFT tapping for anxiety has gained popularity as a self-help tool. However, seeking guidance from a certified EFT practitioner, like those at Buxani Counseling Care, can enhance its effectiveness. These professionals provide expert support in navigating personal challenges and tailoring EFT sessions to individual needs. With its growing recognition, EFT offers a promising avenue for emotional healing and well-being. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) at Buxani Care in Miami emerges as a pioneering alternative therapy for pain management, seamlessly integrated into their comprehensive group therapy sessions. Buxani Care recognizes the significance of addressing both physical and emotional aspects of pain, offering participants a unique approach that combines group therapy, hand acupuncture points, and the transformative power of EFT. This holistic approach aims to treat pain by addressing not just the symptoms but the emotional and energetic imbalances that contribute to it.

Emotional freedom therapy

Emotional Freedom Therapy, often confused with Emotional Freedom Technique, is an effective emotion-focused therapy treatment plan designed to address anxiety and depression. Unlike EFT tapping, which involves physical tapping on meridian points, EFT therapy delves into deep emotional exploration. EFT therapists at Buxani Counseling Care specialize in this approach, providing tailored sessions to unearth and heal underlying emotional issues contributing to anxiety and depression. EFT tapping therapists facilitate this transformative journey towards emotional liberation, offering a holistic path to mental well-being and emotional freedom. Recognizing the positive health effects of EFT, Buxani Care incorporates this evidence-based approach into their group therapy sessions, creating a dynamic space where individuals can explore EFT treatment and tap into the power of meridian points. Buxani Care’s skilled professionals guide participants through EFT sessions, creating an EFT group experience that fosters shared understanding and emotional release. Emotional Freedom Therapy focuses on effective psychological techniques that involve gentle tapping on specific meridian points while individuals verbalize their emotional experiences.

Eft therapy

EFT therapy, or Emotionally Focused Therapy, is a powerful approach for couples seeking to improve their relationships. It employs emotion-focused therapy exercises to foster deeper emotional connections and understanding between partners. EFT questions for couples guide meaningful conversations, helping them express and validate their feelings. Complementing this, an EFT tapping worksheet provides a structured framework for individuals to manage their emotions. Buxani Counseling Care specializes in EFT tapping therapy, offering expert guidance in navigating relationship challenges. Buxani Care in Miami stands at the forefront of mental health support with its innovative incorporation of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) alongside various other cognitive therapy techniques. This holistic approach encompasses not only EFT but also explores acupuncture points, energy hot spots, and the balancing of energy flow within their transformative therapy sessions. Within the therapy sessions, participants explore energy hot spots and engage in practices that aim to balance energy flow. This alternative acupressure therapy treatment has been applied to a range of issues, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and chronic pain, with many users reporting significant relief and improved quality of life.

Eft tapping

EFT tapping, an abbreviation for Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a therapeutic practice involving gentle tapping on specific body points. EFT therapy techniques integrate talk therapy with somatic interventions, providing a holistic approach to emotional well-being. In the context of couples, an EFT treatment plan emphasizes fostering secure attachments, effective communication, and conflict resolution. The benefits of EFT tapping encompass reduced anxiety, improved emotional regulation, and enhanced relationship satisfaction. Buxani Counseling Care is renowned for its expertise in EFT, offering individuals and couples a supportive environment to explore, heal, and grow emotionally. Buxani Care in Miami introduces a groundbreaking approach to mental well-being through Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), where participants engage in tapping fingertips together as part of a therapeutic process. The EFT therapy employed by Buxani Care centers around specific EFT tapping points, creating an innovative and transformative experience that aims to harness positive energy.

Eft tapping points

These EFT tapping points correspond to energy meridians, aiming to restore balance and ease emotional distress. The benefits of EFT tapping are diverse, encompassing reduced anxiety, improved emotional regulation, and relief from traumatic experiences. It’s a versatile technique that can be used for various emotional issues. EFT tapping therapy combines physical touch with verbal affirmation, providing a holistic approach to emotional well-being. This unique blend of EFT therapy and targeted exercises fosters a supportive environment where couples can navigate their emotions and strengthen their bond. Emotion focused therapy exercises for couples become an integral part of Buxani Care’s offerings. The combination of EFT therapy and emotion focused exercises provides a holistic framework for couples seeking counseling services. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), often referred to as tapping, is an innovative intervention that bridges the gap between energy therapy and alternative acupressure treatment, offering a holistic approach to emotional and psychological well-being.
Emotion focused therapy tapping
Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) tapping integrates somatic techniques with traditional therapy to address emotional issues. The EFT tapping technique involves gentle stimulation of specific acupressure points, promoting emotional release and balance. EFT tapping therapy has proven effective in alleviating anxiety, trauma, and emotional distress. Buxani Counseling Care is renowned for their expertise in EFT, offering specialized support for individuals and couples navigating emotional challenges. Buxani Care in Miami redefines mental health intervention through its advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) therapy, employing cutting-edge counseling techniques. Incorporating EFT into their therapy sessions becomes a distinctive feature, offering an innovative approach to effective mental health intervention. Therapy in Miami takes on an extra dimension at Buxani Care, where the amalgamation of counseling techniques and EFT offers individuals a transformative experience. The core of the EFT intervention involves a setup statement, which acknowledges the issue and includes a phrase of self-acceptance, such as “Even though I have this [issue], I deeply and completely accept myself.”
Emotion focused therapy
Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) is a humanistic approach that centers on processing and understanding emotions to foster psychological healing. In an EFT tapping session, individuals use gentle acupressure to address emotional distress and restore balance. When applied to relationships, EFT tapping for relationships seeks to enhance communication, trust, and intimacy between partners. Buxani Counseling Care is a distinguished provider of EFT-based therapy, offering empathetic and specialized support to individuals and couples. Buxani Care in Miami pioneers Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as a transformative intervention, catering to couples with targeted EFT questions and the effective EFT tapping technique. Situated within a distinguished Mental Health Clinic in Miami, Buxani Care’s therapy center addresses not only common mental health challenges but also provides specialized EFT support for couples. EFT questions for couples form a crucial part of Buxani Care’s approach, facilitating open communication and emotional exploration. This evidence-based method involves tapping on specific meridian points to balance energy flow and release emotional stress. Specializing in a range of interventions, Buxani Care integrates EFT into its offerings, providing a unique and effective avenue for individuals grappling with other mental health challenges.
Emotional Freedom Technique – Tapping
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, is a therapeutic approach that combines gentle tapping on specific acupressure points with verbal affirmation to address emotional distress and promote emotional well-being.
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Emotional Freedom Technique, emotional freedom tapping, Emotional freedom therapy, Eft tapping therapy therapist, Eft practitioner, emotional freedom technique therapist near me, eft tapping, tapping exercise, mental health clinic, eft tapping for anxiety, mental and emotional disorders, mental disorder, mental health disorder list, mental health crisis center, eft tapping points, emotional freedom technique counseling, mental health crisis, mental health issues, eft tapping therapy training, therapy tapping method, tapping exercise for mental health, tapping therapist near me, causes of mental illness, mental health emotional well being, eft tapping therapy, mental health disorder, mental health counseling
Table of Contents
Emotional Freedom Technique - Tapping

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping is a powerful tool that can help quickly and easily release negative emotions and limiting beliefs, leading to achieving an emotional balance. This technique combines Ancient Chinese Acupuncture principles with Modern Psychology to balance the body’s energy system. EFT tapping involves tapping certain acupressure points on the body while focusing on a specific issue or emotion. This process releases blocked energy and helps to create new neural pathways in the brain, allowing for a more positive outlook and a greater capacity for learning and growth. Through regular EFT tapping, individuals can reduce anxiety, stress, and depression while increasing self-confidence, inner strength, and emotional resilience.

Buxani Counseling Care therapists teach EFT tapping to help clients manage stress, anxiety, and negative emotions. Clients reduce emotional intensity and improve physical and mental health by tapping on specific points.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), often known as tapping, is a transformative tool within mental health therapy that is increasingly popular among therapy service in Miami. This innovative approach merges cognitive therapy with acupressure, requiring individuals to tap on specific meridian points on their body while verbalizing issues and affirmations. This tapping technique eases the intensity of negative emotions and can be effective for anxiety, depression, and stress-related symptoms. As part of a comprehensive mental health therapy plan, EFT can be seamlessly integrated with mindfulness activities to enhance its benefits. Incorporating daily meditation into the routine provides an additional layer of mental tranquility and clarity.

What is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping?

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping is a form of psychological acupressure  that has existed since the late 1990s. It is an evidence-based self-help approach for reducing stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions by tapping certain key points in the body. These points represent a system of energy meridians, which are thought to be pathways that connect our physical and emotional states.

Tapping on these points is believed to help release stored negative energy and restore balance in the body. This in turn helps to reduce physical and mental symptoms related to stress and emotional distress. During an EFT session, a practitioner will guide you through the process, helping you focus on a specific issue or emotion that you would like to target and tap on the relevant points along the body while repeating positive affirmations. This helps to break the emotional and physical blocks that cause distress and start to open the pathways for positive energy to flow.

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Exploring the Different Types of EFT Tapping

EFT Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a powerful form of energy healing that uses physical tapping on the body to help release psychological and physical pain and stress. Through this practice, individuals can access and heal deep-rooted emotional blockages and reprogram their brains to create healthier habits. There are several types of EFT Tapping, each of which has its own benefits.

One type of EFT Tapping is called “Sequential Tapping“, which involves tapping specific points on the body in order, usually beginning with the eyebrow point and ending with the top of the head. This tapping works by targeting the body’s energy meridians and helps balance the body’s energy and restore emotional equilibrium.

“Tapping Points”, uses 9 key points in the body. This type of tapping focuses on specific areas that are believed to affect specific emotions, such as fear, sadness, or anger. By focusing on these points, individuals can work to process and release any emotional blockages or negative energies they may be holding onto.

Finally, “Reframing Tap”, is a powerful technique that involves reframing negative thoughts or experiences into a more positive light. This type of tapping works by shifting energy around a certain thought or experience, allowing individuals to gain a new perspective and work through emotional issues.

Overall, EFT Tapping is a powerful form of energy healing that can help individuals access and heal deeper emotional issues and reprogram their brains to create healthier habits.
How EFT Tapping Works in the Body?

EFT Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a simple yet effective form of physical and psychological therapy. This technique uses tapping on specific points of the body while focusing on the emotions or thoughts causing distress. Tapping helps to release the emotional and physical blockages in the body, allowing for a more balanced and relaxed state of being. This technique allows clients to recognize their underlying feelings and learn how to address and release them to create lasting change. With its soothing rhythm and calming effect, EFT Tapping can provide a safe and effective way to work through difficult emotional issues.

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The 5-Step EFT Tapping Method
EFT tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique, is an alternative therapy that combines traditional Chinese medicine and modern psychology to help people relieve stress and eliminate negative emotions. It’s a simple and effective technique that anyone can learn in five steps.

Step one: Identify the issue. Before tapping, it’s important to establish exactly what you’re trying to work through. This could be a physical pain or an emotional challenge such as fear or anxiety.

Step two: Rate the intensity. Once you’ve identified the issue, rate its intensity on a scale of 0-10. This will allow you to measure your progress as you move through the steps.

Step three: Create the setup statement. This statement should be like this: “Even though I feel this [issue], I deeply and completely accept myself”. It’s meant to help create an emotional bridge between the issue and a more positive mindset.

Step four: Begin tapping. Using your fingertips, tap on specific points of the body in a certain order. This helps to stimulate the meridian points associated with emotional regulation and healing.

Step five:

  1. Reassess your intensity level.
  2. After tapping for a few minutes, re-measure your intensity level and note any progress you’ve made.
  3. Repeat this process until your intensity rating is back down to a 0.
EFT tapping is a simple and effective way to help manage stress and eliminate negative emotions. With the five steps outlined above, clients learn how to use this powerful technique for their emotional well-being.
Does EFT tapping work?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping is gaining popularity as a form of psychological self-care in response to stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. The technique involves lightly tapping certain body areas while repeating affirmations or positive statements. Tapping can help reduce symptoms of depression, improve overall well-being, and even reduce physical pain.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a self-help method that combines tapping on acupressure points with verbal affirmations to reduce stress and emotional issues.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are a set of practices combining tapping on acupressure points with verbal affirmations to ease stress and emotional problems.
EFT works by tapping on acupressure points while focusing on negative emotions or thoughts, which helps to balance the body’s energy and reduce stress.
Yes, EFT has some evidence supporting its effectiveness for reducing stress, anxiety, and trauma, though more research is needed for stronger validation.

The practice of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), commonly referred to as tapping, with anability to assist in emotional regulation. In EFT, individuals gently tap specific points on their body, akin to the acupressure points used in acupuncture.

Research has demonstrated that EFT can facilitate the brain and body in letting go of stress and negative emotions, while also promoting a sense of calm and aiding in the regulation of the central nervous system.

– Helps regulate emotions and address distressing thoughts

– Used to reduce stress and anxiety levels

– Can soothe anger and alleviate worries

  • Identify an issue that’s disturbing you
  • Create statement of issue and self-acceptance
  • Tap on palm below little finger and other body points one by one
Between 8 to 20 sessions

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, is a proven method that swiftly alleviates stress and anxiety. Once learned, individuals can independently practice this evidence-backed technique to enhance their well-being and support their psychological health by reducing feelings of stress and anxiety.

Learn more about our mental health services treated at Buxani Counseling Care.
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